Eva Solo has a tradition of building long and strong relationships with our suppliers. On average, we have been working with our tier-1 agents and suppliers for as long as 7.8 years. This ensures stability and reliability in deliveries.

It is of vital importance to us that the employees in our supply chain work under good conditions. For this reason, Eva Solo is a member of the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). Through our membership of amfori BSCI, we are committed to respecting human rights wherever it is within our influence. Amfori BSCI's purpose is to improve labour conditions in global supply chains. They conduct independent audits based on a number of parameters specifically related to labour and human rights, such as fair remuneration, no discrimination, prohibition of child labour, environmental protection and the right to collective bargaining.

We have zero tolerance for slavery, child labour and human trafficking. You can read more about this and how we work to ensure that modern slavery does not take place in our supply chain here.

In the financial year 2022/23, 99.58% of all our tier-1 suppliers were either audited within amfori BSCI, SMETA or an equivalent scheme. If not, they were in low-risk countries according to BSCI's Country Risk Classification 2022 (based on the number of units purchased in 2022/23). We expect all tier-1 suppliers to be audited by the end of 2023.

Read more about our work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and social responsibility in the supply chain here.