- In the workplace

Eva Solo wants to be a workplace for everyone. Therefore, we prioritise the physical and psychological working environment and we want to create room for diversity and inclusion. Among other things, we have an equal gender composition in the group and an even age distribution ranging from 22 to 62 years.


In our latest well-being survey, we saw a positive development in parameters such as influence, security, motivation and development. 96 per cent felt to a high or very high degree that there is a good tone of voice in the company, while 89 per cent are satisfied with the physical working environment.


Leadership is not just a skill; it's a never-ending journey towards improvement. To ensure the most competent leaders, we invest in their development. This is essential for the work environment and optimising our performance.

That's why we require all our leaders to complete the "LifeAchiever - Solid mindset & people skills" programme, which delves into conflict management, coaching, motivation and utilising human potential. The goal is to enhance wellbeing, motivation and results.

In our latest wellbeing survey, our employees responded as follows:

94% are satisfied with the way departments are managed.
83% feel they have a good collaboration with their immediate manager
78% experience open and honest communication with their manager
78% feel motivated and engaged

Diversity and inclusion

As a design house, creativity, innovation and diverse perspectives are the basis for creating the best products for the benefit of our customers. To achieve this, diversity and inclusion are essential. At Eva Solo, we see diversity as a strength, and inclusion is a prerequisite for success.

We are all different, and that diversity gives us countless perspectives, competences and talents that are reflected in new ways of thinking and seeing the world. By embracing this diversity together, we can be strong, enhance well-being and deliver unique products.

At Eva Solo, it is crucial that our employees behave properly and responsibly. We must accommodate each other while working from the same overarching values. All employees must accept and respect each other; it is important to recognise the value in each individual and create a safe environment for everyone. Only then can employees unlock their full potential and contribute positively to their workspace. Everyone should feel free to express their opinions, speak freely and feel heard, and be able to be themselves at work without experiencing discrimination. Therefore, we have zero tolerance for bullying, violence, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.