Terms and conditions

The satisfaction guarantee covers all Eva Trio Multi Mosaic pans purchased within the guarantee period. To make use of the guarantee you must hold an original proof of purchase receipt no more than 100 days old. 

The guarantee is conditional on the product being used correctly for its intended purpose and not being subjected to needless rough handing. This means that it does not cover damage caused by misuse, modification or incorrect use.

The guarantee applies only to private consumers who have purchased the product from a retailer, and claims under this guarantee may be made solely by such consumers. The guarantee only covers first-grade items (not ‘seconds’). Eva Solo A/S reserves the right to discontinue the guarantee offer. The guarantee applies solely to purchases made within the period in which the guarantee is offered.

If you wish to return the product, please contact the retailer from which the product was purchased. You must hand in your original receipt to the retailer where the product was purchased together with this form, completed with your name, address and phone number.

If required, Eva Solo A/S will determine if the product is covered by the guarantee. Eva Solo A/S reserves the right to require return of the product for further assessment. 

As the purchaser, it is your responsibility to return the product to Eva Solo A/S if required to do so. We recommend returning the item by a parcel-tracking service. Parcels must NOT be returned by DAO or any other service delivering parcels during night-time hours when we are not available to receive them, as this often results in parcels going astray. Please note: we do not accept returns to a parcel terminal. All returns must be sent as per agreement with Eva Solo A/S direct to our address. Failure to do so will result in a deduction for the cost of return delivery costs in your refund (DKK 49 from Denmark).

If the product was purchased from evasolo.com, please send your completed form, the product and the original receipt to:

Eva Solo A/S
Attn: Customer Service
Måløv Teknikerby 18-20
DK-2760 Måløv
Mark the parcel: Return

Download form here